CORE: Game Concept Art
CORE is a single-player action-adventure game concept where you play as Jordan, a low-ranking garbage man, as he joins The Mining League on an expedition into the unknown depths of the Earth’s core. Throughout Jordan’s journey he will experience strange creatures, competing factions, and dangerous terrain. Will Jordan be able to survive the peril that awaits?
This was a fun game design project, in which I served as lead concept artist. The game’s logo is from an animation by Andrew Templin.

The Krill-Olm
Krill-Olms are colossal salamanders that feed on crustaceans and other lifeforms found near subterranean rivers. With its powerful, clawed forelimbs, it has adapted to latch onto rocks below waterfalls and await fallen prey. The beast’s hinged mandibles extend outward to create a massive, scooping maw. Baleen—an unusual adaptation for
amphibians—allows the Krill-Olm to filter its prey, sealing them within as it expels
excess water. The player must heed the sound of waterfalls, as these creatures are
rumored to lunge and swallow explorers whole.
amphibians—allows the Krill-Olm to filter its prey, sealing them within as it expels
excess water. The player must heed the sound of waterfalls, as these creatures are
rumored to lunge and swallow explorers whole.

The Rankenfrosch
Rankenfrosch are extremely territorial frogs that inhabit areas in large herds. Known to collectively guard pools, these amphibians hibernate during their lengthy gestation periods, providing nutrition through prey entangled in the sticky, digestive tendrils for
which the frog is named. With their infectious, clamping bite and corrosive tendrils,
wandering into the abode of a Rankenfrosch herd may prove to be a death sentence for the curious explorer.
which the frog is named. With their infectious, clamping bite and corrosive tendrils,
wandering into the abode of a Rankenfrosch herd may prove to be a death sentence for the curious explorer.

Jordan, the game’s protagonist

The Heavy Miner

The Sentinel